Friday, June 5, 2009

First Week

This week I read Adam by Ted Dekker. It is the search for a serial killer who kills every new moon. In the search FBI agent Daniel Clark "dies" three times and is brought back to life. It is full of suspense and although you can predict part of the ending, there is an element that takes you totally by surprise. Thank you, Sabrina, for putting it in our library. I am also reading Evidence Based Instruction in Reading Comprehension. It is a short light read and has some good reminders of how to help students obtain the multi levels of reading comprehension.

1 comment:

dcooper said...

I have never read anything by Ted Dekker. That really sounds like a great beach book.
I'm glad you mentioned a professional book. I am a professional book junkie. I have been reading Word Matters by Fountas and Pinnell, Small Group Reading Instruction by Beverly Tyner, and Space and Places by Deb Diller. I never read those books cover to cover, I browse, and read and reread.