Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh what fun it is to read...

I have never read the Harry Potter series, so my husband and I are reading it before our daughter does! Just finished watching all the movies and read the first book. Earlier in the summer I read one of John Grisham's books - can't remember the title - but it was about a lawyer who stole 90 million or something like that . Great read. Ending made me so mad!!!!! I am currently reading Stephen King's newest short stories - love it!


dcooper said...

Wow, Beth - you've been a busy reader! I thought I was the last person on the planet to read Harry Potter, I read them last summer and really enjoyed them. I am a John Grisham fanatic! So many of his books are set in and around my former home of Memphis, and I used to have to read the whole book the day they were released.

Thanks for posting!

Annetta said...

I too enjoy John Grisham. I have never read Stephen King...I know, Everyone else has. I tend to be a wimp at scary things.

dcooper said...

Some of his non scary ones are worth reading - like Shawshank Redemption and the Green Mile. Those are two great movies, but the books are even better.