Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's beach reading time!

I've decided to comment as a post - the comments are hard to find and I don't know how to change that setting!
Merrill - I have two Picoult books in my stack for the beach - My Sister's Keeper and The Pact. The only thing I have ever read by her is Memory Keeper's Daughter. I really liked that one. 

I can't tell you how much I liked the Guernsey book. It was so different, but what a great glimpse into small piece of the horrors of WWII - and I was totally unaware. But it was so delightfully told. And we can't go out and read her next book - amazing that this was her only one. 

You are not required to read professionally - I am just particularly hungry for that this summer. Could it be that I am scared? I brought the Book Whisperer - I don't know what it says, but I want to be one!

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